以新專輯RAVI 2nd MINI ALBUM[R.OOK BOOK]著實再次秀出屬於RAVI的音樂創作實力,四月訪台的個人演唱會更是大受好評與追捧,獨有的RAVI STYLE舞台魅力散發出無論音樂與時尚都是ACE級別的閃亮耀眼星芒!
宇宙無敵音樂甜心粉絲會!超可愛的 Gail เกล โสพิชา來唱歌給你聽,蘿莉模樣讓人融化啦~ Gail Sophicha, one and only,a rising star
Gail’s fans around the world, Marie Claire Taiwan is honored to have music genius, Gail, to be in our May issue. We invite you to enjoy her divine voice with us. Gail sang several popular Taiwanese songs, played the quick QA game and also ha...