
紅遍全球的澳洲性感流行天后凱莉米洛Kylie Minogue宣布2025年登台演出!在期待演唱會到來之前,就把這些經典舞曲練起來,準備好在現場跟她一起跳~

Photo/Kylie Minogue


結合性感、舞曲、電音等前衛音樂風格於一身的「澳洲流行性感天后」凱莉米洛Kylie Minogue即將來台開唱!9/22推出第十六張錄音室專輯《Tension》,同時宣告展開全新巡迴演唱會《Tension Tour 2025》,表演場地更包含台灣、宣布2025/3/15降臨高雄開唱,令全台廣大粉絲驚喜不已!

凱莉米洛Kylie Minogue 2025年3月將到高雄開演唱會
凱莉米洛Kylie Minogue 2025年3月將到高雄開演唱會

凱莉米洛Kylie Minogue自1988年推出推出首張錄音室專輯以來,堪稱是鄰家女孩變身國際巨星的絕佳寫照,推出多首金曲使她被封為「流行樂天后」,至今已累積超過8000萬唱片銷量,被《時代雜誌》評為2024年百大最具影響力人物之一,更是澳洲「國寶級人物」。這位集性感、愛、美麗於一身的天后,更是勇敢的抗癌鬥士,持續在歌曲中傳遞滿滿能量。


Kylie Minogue〈Can’t Get You Out Of My Head〉


I just can't get you out of my head

Boy, your lovin' is all I think about

I just can't get you out of my head

Boy, its more than I dare to think about

〈Can’t Get You Out Of My Head〉或許是許多人開始認識凱莉米洛的入門歌曲之一!從前奏的「La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la」就超洗腦,在MV中穿著性感白色連身裝扮、獵艷紅唇的造型令人記憶深刻,Youtube至今累積5億次觀看!她本人日前在社群上發文:「這首歌23年了!」多年後依舊是骨灰粉最愛金曲。

Kylie Minogue〈Love At First Sight〉

'cause baby when I heard you

For the first time I knew

We were meant to be as one

同樣出自於2001年專輯《Fever》的舞曲,〈Love At First Sight〉以舒適慵懶的風格,傳遞「一見鐘情」的美好。在副歌時加重節奏,就是最棒的合唱時刻!

Kylie Minogue〈Get Outta My Way〉

Get outta my way, get outta my way

Got no more to say, he's taken your place

Get outta my way, way outta my way

Got no more to say, he's taken your place

Get outta my way

2010年推出的〈Get Outta My Way〉,讓凱莉米洛再次站穩「舞曲天后」的不敗寶座!面對不適合的人,請暢快瀟灑說出:「Get outta my way!!!」

Kylie Minogue〈Wow〉

Is enough to love you baby

(Yeah, yeah) Is enough to send me crazy

(Yeah, yeah) Such angelic motion

(Yeah, yeah) You know you're made in heaven

2007年發行的〈Wow〉,即便現在聽也完全不過時!是許多樂迷心中「被低估的冠軍神曲」,帶有奇幻前衛又洗腦的旋律,大家記得一起Yeah, yeah以及在副歌後面大聲W-woah ooh, ooh!

Kylie Minogue〈Timebomb〉

Tell me now, woo

Do you want to, want to, want to, woo?

I want to, want to dance

Like it was the last dance of my life

I want to woo, want to

Want to, want to, want to, woo

Do you want to, want to dance

Like it was the last dance?


Kylie Minogue〈In My Arms〉

How does it feel in my arms? (How does it feel in my arms?)

How does it feel in my arms?

Do you want it?

Do you need it?

Can you feel it?

Tell me

How does it feel in my arms?


Kylie Minogue〈All the Lovers〉

All the lovers

That have gone before

They don't compare

To you

Don't be frightened

Just give me a little bit more

They don't compare

All the lovers


Kylie Minogue〈Into the Blue〉

When I get my back up against the wall

Don’t need no-one to rescue me

Because I am not waiting up for no miracle

Yeah tonight I’m running free

Into the Blue

Into the Blue

With nothing to lose

Into the Blue

第12張專輯《Kiss Me Once》首波單曲〈Into the Blue〉,由情歌王子安立奎量身製作,凱莉米洛再次畫上當代女性的自信紅唇與色彩,不再畏縮、勇敢朝向心中的碧海藍天奔馳!

Kylie Minogue〈My Oh My〉

La la la la

I’m like oh my oh my

La la la la

You keep me up at night

La la la la

I’m feeling fireflies

La la la la la

Oh my oh my

Oh my oh my

Oh my oh my

2024年再掀洗腦熱潮!凱莉米洛找來美國歌手Bebe Rexha、瑞典歌手Tove Lo共同合作的〈My Oh My〉光前奏就相當抓耳!重拍舞曲節奏、招牌魅惑聲線,一聽就上癮!這首歌會收錄在10月推出的《Tension ll》專輯中。

Kylie Minogue〈Padam Padam〉

Padam, padam, I hear it and I know

Padam, padam, I know you wanna take me home

Padam, and get to know me close

Padam, padam, when your heart goes

收錄在第十六張錄音室專輯《Tension》中的主打歌〈Padam Padam〉,相信大家都不陌生!好聽到連《魯保羅變裝皇后秀》第16季總冠軍妮妃雅Nymphia Wind都拿來當作表演背景歌曲,訴說兩個情投意合的人親密互動著,彼此之間「心蹦蹦跳」的模樣。同樣能在歌曲中盡情舞動,是未來感與懷舊感並進的一首金曲。

