《璀璨帝國》率真百億富豪 Anna Shay,留給我們的十大霸氣金句
Netflix 實境節目《璀璨帝國 Bling Empire 》中,身價上百億的軍火商千金 Anna Shay ,於6/5日經家屬證實中風過世,享壽62歲。
by 美麗佳人編輯部-更新
圖片/ Instagram(@annashay93)、Getty Images、IMDb
Anna 憑著率真不造作的個性、犀利的言語,和一言一行中自然流露出女王氣場,備受粉絲喜愛。向來標榜著「為自己而活」,充滿智慧又直言不諱的 Anna 生前為我們留下的十大霸氣金句,也將永遠留在我們的心中。
“Gossip to me is absolutely diabolical.”
“Gossip is no different than betrayal.”
“I do find it odd that [Christine] wants to compete with me, but she cannot compete with what I was born into.”
“Don’t be impressed by things… I don’t get impressed by things, but by people and who they are.”
“Money, if you don't respect it, it's going to hurt you. If you're not prepared for it, people will hurt you.”
“I’m attracted to creative people because there are so many fake people in the world.”
“I think it's pathetic that someone would have to work so hard to fake it.”
“I try to be nice, but I don't really care.”
“Maybe you didn’t go to etiquette school. Maybe you need to.”
“She just thought that I was going to put her head in the blender. Her head doesn't fit in the blender."
相信 Anna Shay 的率性大器,和獨樹一格的霸氣人生觀, 都會長長久久的留在你我的心中。